HiPeRT Lab

High-Performance Real-Time Laboratory (HiPeRT Lab)

The High-Performance Real-Time Laboratory (HiPeRT Lab) has been founded in 2012 at the University of Modena. It involves more than 40 researchers developing algorithmic and software solutions for high-performance real-time system. HiPeRT Lab’s mission is to predictably exploit the tremendous performance offered by next-generation embedded platforms in application domains where timing and safety requirements are crucial. To this end, the group acquired a strong expertise throughout the whole technological stack, from low-level hardware profiling and characterization, to Real-Time Operating Systems and Hypervisors, to predictable compilers and parallel programming models. The lab hosts multiple working prototypes, including autonomous vehicles (multiple cars, delivery bots, RC models, drones, etc.) and industrial automation systems. HiPeRT Lab is involved in several EU and industrial projects in automotive, avionics and industrial automation domains. It strongly believes in the technology transfer between academia and industry, fostering and promoting new collaborations for improving and devising the real-time systems of the future.

Homepage https://hipert.unimore.it/
Resp. Bertogna Marko
UODipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche